SCRIPTED - Exhibition 2004

Hand Made Synthesis Analysis, looks at society’s dynamic and relationship to commodity culture. Production is divided into seemingly diverse categories-mechanically and synthetically produced and those produced by hand. Hand made objects are given greater value because it is assumed hand made objects are more authentic given their investment in time and production. At the same time we produce machinery to lessen the amount of physical work we need to do. Therefore we have machines acting both metaphorically and physically as hands to make our products.

The organization of the text in this work shows how the dividing line between the two is a fine one and the more our society progresses in technology the more obscure it becomes. The word "Hand" is portrayed on a fingerprint in color on the left and the word "Made" is portrayed on the left on a fingerprint that is black and white. Below this arrangement the words are switched so they are arranged "Made" on the left and "Hand" on the right. In between these two images is a collection of robotic arms that are spiraling in the same way as the fingerprint. The words synthesis and analysis are fading into the whole image from the top and bottom.

When we say that something is handmade, what are we speaking about? Are we engaged in a dialogue that sees machines as a more precise worker while the human as variable, hence the term “human error?” The words Synthesis and Analysis are an expression of how the object is a synthesis of hand made and possibly machine made.

Analytic and Synthetic are philosophically used definitions. While analytic is the breaking down of a concept into it’s smaller factual and objective content, synthetic associates this meaning in several concepts together.

Even though handmade objects are considered wrongly authentic, when applying analytical views the object can be defined as synthetic. This complex relationship holds the object as both synthetic and authentic given its human input. Machine made objects are considered synthetic, however they have benefited from human intervention. Therefore it may seem that the machine is unauthentic, but to deny it’s human relationship mediates the fact its products are rationalized by its consumer market.

Shall we play, mate?

Shall we play, mate? looks at how the nature of text differentiates according to it's surrounding environment.  The work also looks at how social stereotypes and judgements are passed even if only text is invovlved and how text conforms to it's assumed meaning.  Shall we play, mate? is laid out as a game in which the audience must match a quote that appears on the right of the screen to a "Miss."  Here the audience is asked to judge, based only upon the textual references, who might have made a given statement. Visual representations or the names of the women are not available to the audience and are only provided with the alias given to the women in a popular adult entertainment setting.  At the end of the game the question "Who is Christie?" is posed to the audience, where the game loops back to the beginning.

The quotes provided in the game are actually those of a popular adult magazine CEO (who is also a woman), put in the context of the women that appear in the aforementioned magazine.  By forcing the audience to match the text to one of the women, the audience is forced to make assumptions without a visual component, one of the greatest components of the adult entertainment industry.  Since ultimately a decision must be made in order to progress through the game, it becomes apparent that stereotypes can be built on more than just visual representations and that text can create as much familiarity as a pictoral representation, intiating similar social responses.